
Advice from a man in his 40s to younger folk

There is a great lie in the US: that you should spend the best years of your life working hard and building a nest egg for retirement around 65. However, studies show that 70% of people over 60 suffer from health problems and mental health challenges that significantly reduce their quality of life. This decline increases rapidly as the years roll on. You spend the best years of your life thinking you can enjoy it when you retire, but run the high risk of ending up miserable in retirement. 70%!, would you jump out of a plane if your parachute had a 70% chance of failing?. As a man in his 40s, I want to tell all you young folk, enjoy your youth while you have the strength and energy to enjoy life. Im in my mid 40s and Ive lost my libido, my energy levels are half of what…

There is a great lie in the US: that you should spend the best years of your life working hard and building a nest egg for retirement around 65. However, studies show that 70% of people over 60 suffer from health problems and mental health challenges that significantly reduce their quality of life. This decline increases rapidly as the years roll on. You spend the best years of your life thinking you can enjoy it when you retire, but run the high risk of ending up miserable in retirement. 70%!, would you jump out of a plane if your parachute had a 70% chance of failing?.

As a man in his 40s, I want to tell all you young folk, enjoy your youth while you have the strength and energy to enjoy life. Im in my mid 40s and Ive lost my libido, my energy levels are half of what they were in my 20s, and my recovery time for injuries and sickness has doubled. I cant imagine what they will look like when Im 60 and Im a healthy person; 5 foot 8 inches and 155 pounds.

Time and time again I hear stories about young folk(18-20s) working a full time job and two part time jobs on the side to live and maintain a life style that is a lie. I cant help but shake my head at that. I even want to cry when I hear it, because its only when you've lost it(youth) do you realize how precious it is.

Retirement is a gamble, I attend a funeral every other month for a 60'ish year old person at my Church. Dont gamble away the best years of your life slaving away for corporate masters for a chance to enjoy it at 60+; you rarely will. From 18-30 is the best years of your life, its all downhill from there. Make the best memories when you are young and strong, time is not on your side, death waits for no one. In my mid 40s and my best years are behind me…

This is not an encouragement to become wildly irresponsible, but be smart with your time and also stingy with it when you are young. Do not exchange your youth(the most precious time of your life) for a false promise.

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