
Advice Needed and Appreciated

I recently started a new job; it has been going well for the last few months. Recently some people have brought up issues they have with me and whilst brining up those issues they joked about firing me. These people work above me and were taking issue with the time I arrive and leave for lunch. I am very particular with my times and everyone including them come in as they please and leave for lunch as they please. They are now piling on work, and I am getting sick of it with no pay raise I am being brought more and more responsibility. If this job offered a livable wage, I would be fine, but it only pays enough to scrape by. It is a father and son business; everyone acts like a family here. I like the dynamic but with increased work load I am getting more and…

I recently started a new job; it has been going well for the last few months. Recently some people have brought up issues they have with me and whilst brining up those issues they joked about firing me. These people work above me and were taking issue with the time I arrive and leave for lunch. I am very particular with my times and everyone including them come in as they please and leave for lunch as they please. They are now piling on work, and I am getting sick of it with no pay raise I am being brought more and more responsibility. If this job offered a livable wage, I would be fine, but it only pays enough to scrape by. It is a father and son business; everyone acts like a family here. I like the dynamic but with increased work load I am getting more and more aggravated. I wanted to try and stay for a year so I could have this on my resume, but it is getting increasingly harder. The ladies I work under (office assitant) also speak about me behind my back and are extremly homophobic. Not that I have issues with this, I am queer, but they speak about me personally.

Edit: I am needing advice about what I should do with the cards dealt, should I leave? Am I being dramatic?

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