
Advice needed. Does talking to your boss about a hostile work environment always result in someone getting fired (either you or the other employee)?

Looking for advice. This is my first real job since I graduated college and I have been employed for 10 months. This is my first time dealing with an issue like this. A coworker has been spreading rumors about me and I really want it to stop. I’m so anxious about the whole thing and it’s really affecting my mental health. The problem is, I don’t think I have enough concrete proof that she’s the one spreading rumors. Most of the conversations I had with other people about this issue were in person and not over text. I’m thinking about talking to my boss about it because I’m so scared the rumors will spread further. However, I’m terrified that it will backfire and I’ll be let go instead, which leads me to my question. With an issue like this, is there any way my boss could talk to her, without…

Looking for advice. This is my first real job since I graduated college and I have been employed for 10 months. This is my first time dealing with an issue like this.

A coworker has been spreading rumors about me and I really want it to stop. I’m so anxious about the whole thing and it’s really affecting my mental health. The problem is, I don’t think I have enough concrete proof that she’s the one spreading rumors. Most of the conversations I had with other people about this issue were in person and not over text.

I’m thinking about talking to my boss about it because I’m so scared the rumors will spread further. However, I’m terrified that it will backfire and I’ll be let go instead, which leads me to my question. With an issue like this, is there any way my boss could talk to her, without either of us getting fired? All I want is for her to stop talking about me. I’m scared that if I tell my boss about this, I’ll be labeled as a “difficult employee”. Whenever I read posts like this on this sub, it seems like the only outcome is that one person is always let go.

Also, in case someone suggests it, I’ve tried to reach out to her to clear up any miscommunications but she won’t respond to any of my messages. I don’t know what else to do. Any advice is appreciated.

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