
Advice needed on dealing with a bad boss

Hello everyone, I’m looking for some advice on how to deal with my boss as this is the first time I’ve had a particularly bad one. I had a conversation with her today about how she talked to me earlier (very short tempered; snapped at me) after asking for clarification on a coverage-related issue. She brought to the light how she simply just doesnt like speaking with me based on “poor attitude”, scheduling difficulties, and asking for coverage too much- which I don’t necessarily deny, I ask for coverage more than my average coworker but it’s almost always because of my health issues, which I have also gotten a doctors note for. I was wondering if I could go to HR about this? I’m contemplating doing so for a few reasons. 1. Multiple coworkers say that she treats them similarly and at this point we just dont like talking to…

Hello everyone, I’m looking for some advice on how to deal with my boss as this is the first time I’ve had a particularly bad one.

I had a conversation with her today about how she talked to me earlier (very short tempered; snapped at me) after asking for clarification on a coverage-related issue. She brought to the light how she simply just doesnt like speaking with me based on “poor attitude”, scheduling difficulties, and asking for coverage too much- which I don’t necessarily deny, I ask for coverage more than my average coworker but it’s almost always because of my health issues, which I have also gotten a doctors note for.

I was wondering if I could go to HR about this? I’m contemplating doing so for a few reasons.
1. Multiple coworkers say that she treats them similarly and at this point we just dont like talking to her. It makes it hard to get things done because there’s already a big lack of communication in this company, so when we inevitably do have to ask her something, we dread doing so.
2. Furthermore, I think that if she had an issue with my performance, she should’ve scheduled a meeting to discuss it instead of directly taking it out on me, especially in a personal way.

Do y’all have any advice on this? I’m lost on how to navigate this situation. I could try talking to her again but I feel like it would go about the same way.

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