
advice needed on on how to deal with dishonest upper managment

I have been doing sales which is based on 100% commission or we draw, Today my senior manager said i will not get an opportunity for a tour because they were powering out the first 8 on rotation there was only 11 tours and the sites VPG(value per guest ) was down and from a business standpoint they needed to make sales ( i was number 9) this was not communicated to me until the end. i went home and now i found out that number 10 and 11 on the rotation got a tour and they made everyone sign that they are not powering out. i am beyond confused ( my buddy 10th on rotation called me to find out why i left early he thought it was a family matter until he told me he got a tour and a deal) . i am beyond pissed and feel…

I have been doing sales which is based on 100% commission or we draw, Today my senior manager said i will not get an opportunity for a tour because they were powering out the first 8 on rotation there was only 11 tours and the sites VPG(value per guest ) was down and from a business standpoint they needed to make sales ( i was number 9) this was not communicated to me until the end. i went home and now i found out that number 10 and 11 on the rotation got a tour and they made everyone sign that they are not powering out. i am beyond confused ( my buddy 10th on rotation called me to find out why i left early he thought it was a family matter until he told me he got a tour and a deal) .

i am beyond pissed and feel foolish what should i do?

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