
advice on asking for time off after 4 family emergencies in one month

i'm not even sure if this is the right thread, if not i'd super appreciate if you could point me in the right direction! Just like the title says, i had 4 family emergencies (at least, i guess it depends on your tolerance for “emergencies”) in a 6-week period. Grandpa died suddenly and painfully (west nile, we were super close), aunt was diagnosed end-stage liver cirrhosis, grandma (also super close) was diagnosed with stage-4 cancer, mom (who does struggle with her mental health) fell off the wagon and my stepdad (an alcoholic manchild) is telling me everyone's dying right at this moment and my mom's attacking him physically and is a suicide risk (not true – verified last weekend. he's known for covering up his own drunken mishaps with claiming abuse from my mom. he's done it like 4 times and i'm always his target). Grandma from my other side…

i'm not even sure if this is the right thread, if not i'd super appreciate if you could point me in the right direction!

Just like the title says, i had 4 family emergencies (at least, i guess it depends on your tolerance for “emergencies”) in a 6-week period. Grandpa died suddenly and painfully (west nile, we were super close), aunt was diagnosed end-stage liver cirrhosis, grandma (also super close) was diagnosed with stage-4 cancer, mom (who does struggle with her mental health) fell off the wagon and my stepdad (an alcoholic manchild) is telling me everyone's dying right at this moment and my mom's attacking him physically and is a suicide risk (not true – verified last weekend. he's known for covering up his own drunken mishaps with claiming abuse from my mom. he's done it like 4 times and i'm always his target). Grandma from my other side of the family (more or less estranged but nothing vitriolic) is either in the hospital now or has died – like i said, estranged. that's the context. this is all totally true and it has all happened in 6 weeks.

I had to take two-ish weeks for grandpa. being in the hospital, helping arrange his affairs, and coping with what i saw/the outcome. I had to take 3 days off 1.5 weeks later for a huge freelance job i got (i couldn't physically get it done without doing that). I then took several scattered days off to deal with everything else. i'm now doing shit like forgetting my lunches, forgetting my keys, forgetting my laptop at work when i work from home the next day, forgetting tasks, and getting irrationally angry at the smallest things. I want to punch everyone in the face.

what i need is a whole week off, FOR MYSELF, to reset my routines and recover. i need to reset my workout schedule, grocery shop, be sober, reestablish bathing/skincare/hygiene routines, and reset my sleep schedule because i can't seem to get out of bed comfortably before 10am. I need to clean my house and my laundry and my dishes. i need an adderall break. I'm so burned out all i can really do after work is drink, stare, and sleep. i'm struggling because i'm out of PTO and i feel like i'm on eggshells already with the time off i've already requested. i don't particularly LIKE my job but i need the paycheck. what would you do if you were me?

not trying to trying to trauma dump. promise. just wondering how to approach this situation and still be taken seriously and not have my bosses think i'm making shit up.

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