
Advise please!

So I work at a chain spa and my coworker and I found out that we hired at a lower rate than the other employees who are doing the same job as us. Basically we have a base commission for services and if you upgrade the client you get a commission on top of that. You can never get a raise for upgrades as they are flat rate. This company used to hire people at double the rate for upgrades that we hired at so everyone except me and my coworker are getting paid double. It is not based on experience or time working at this place they were just grandfathered in because they changed the pay rate. They have increased prices for clients and are making way more in revenue but decided to hire at a lower rate. We decided to talk to one of the managers about what…

So I work at a chain spa and my coworker and I found out that we hired at a lower rate than the other employees who are doing the same job as us. Basically we have a base commission for services and if you upgrade the client you get a commission on top of that. You can never get a raise for upgrades as they are flat rate. This company used to hire people at double the rate for upgrades that we hired at so everyone except me and my coworker are getting paid double. It is not based on experience or time working at this place they were just grandfathered in because they changed the pay rate. They have increased prices for clients and are making way more in revenue but decided to hire at a lower rate. We decided to talk to one of the managers about what we can do to possibly reach this pay rate since it is impossible for us to reach it from performance alone. They came up with a goal for us to reach and then we would be paid the same as the other employees. However, a couple days later we were brought into a meeting and were cursed at and accused of obtaining the information by going through the office and searching for important documents. We did not do this and there are cameras in said office so we advised them to look through the cameras and they said they would be doing that. We were shown the old upgrade commission list by one of the managers months ago however when they asked us in the meeting who showed us this paper they said the person who showed us would be fired. We didn’t know what to do because the manager who showed us was in the meeting right in front of us and we were too scared to get her fired. They put us on a probation and took away a day off of our schedules as punishment. Obviously talking about pay at work is frowned upon and we probably should have went about asking for the raise a different way or honestly not at all after the experience that transpired but now working there is hell. They have been spreading rumors about us at work and trying to turn everyone against us. Obviously we have been applying to other places but the manager even said in the meeting that if we ever want to work in the region that we better earn her trust or she will tell the other managers she doesn’t trust us.

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