
Afraid of being fired

I’ve been at my job for a little over a year. I work for an org where I have to process a lot of incoming data and information, as well as manage other responsibilities. This time of year is always my busiest time of year. Without getting too in the weeds, I process information from over 4,000 people in about a month. I have two other colleagues who help me, but I bear the responsibility of the work as well as the responsibility of when things go wrong. Long story short: I made the same mistake I made last year just in a different way. Last year, I missed processing the information of key, higher-up people because I had a question on how to do it properly, as I was new. Well, I forgot to follow up on that information and it led to catastrophe. This year, in order to…

I’ve been at my job for a little over a year. I work for an org where I have to process a lot of incoming data and information, as well as manage other responsibilities.

This time of year is always my busiest time of year. Without getting too in the weeds, I process information from over 4,000 people in about a month. I have two other colleagues who help me, but I bear the responsibility of the work as well as the responsibility of when things go wrong.

Long story short: I made the same mistake I made last year just in a different way. Last year, I missed processing the information of key, higher-up people because I had a question on how to do it properly, as I was new. Well, I forgot to follow up on that information and it led to catastrophe.

This year, in order to avoid that same mistake, I changed my process. However, in changing my process, I missed the information of 2 key, higher up people (my colleagues sorted them into the wrong folders but it was an oversight on my end ultimately). My boss literally said to me, “do you know how stupid this makes me look?”

I’m so afraid of getting fired. This job is my livelihood, but I feel like I can never do anything right even though I’m trying my very best and have improved significantly.

Can someone tell me how likely it is that I’ll get fired? I know you all don’t have a crystal ball, but I don’t have a better source to turn to and I feel so sick to my stomach.

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