
After almost a year of being gaslit — I won.

Kinda just wanna get this off my chest. I was fired in late January for “misconduct.” This was absolutely untrue — I was a fantastic employee. However, I found out the woman we’d hired and was still training to take my place was earning more than me (after I’d asked for a raise several times over 4 years and been told there wasn’t money in the budget). I asked to speak with my employer about it and he fired me on the spot over the phone. His words were “get out of my office. I never want to look at you again” (I don’t believe I’ll ever forget how cold my blood ran in that moment. The panic, confusion, heartbreak). He always espoused Christian values (not my cup of tea, but I thought he meant well) and I considered him a second dad. So to say this stung is a…

Kinda just wanna get this off my chest.

I was fired in late January for “misconduct.” This was absolutely untrue — I was a fantastic employee. However, I found out the woman we’d hired and was still training to take my place was earning more than me (after I’d asked for a raise several times over 4 years and been told there wasn’t money in the budget). I asked to speak with my employer about it and he fired me on the spot over the phone. His words were “get out of my office. I never want to look at you again” (I don’t believe I’ll ever forget how cold my blood ran in that moment. The panic, confusion, heartbreak). He always espoused Christian values (not my cup of tea, but I thought he meant well) and I considered him a second dad. So to say this stung is a massive understatement.

Since I was fired, my mental health issues multiplied — I derived a lot of my self-worth from what an amazing and dependable employee I was. So when I was fired, so suddenly, nothing made sense. I went through a complete crisis of self. I maxed out several credit cards just trying to keep up with rent, bills, and food. Ive spent an embarrassing amount of time this year just fully disassociating and crying. Because I was “fired,” I was not entitled to any unemployment or benefits. I was on my own.

I filed an appeal with the labor board in February, and finally had my hearing about a month ago.

Today, they ruled in my favor.

The judge saw right through my employer and his tricks. The way he was trying to throw me under the bus and disparage my character.

The written decision was page after page of “he was wrong, you were right. We have reversed your decision.”

I’m really hopeful for some backpay, I don’t know how that works, but honestly… it’s so much more important to me that I feel like I got my character back. I got ME back.

I’m not a terrible employee. I’m not a waste of space. I’m not unemployable. I’m not a mean person. I’m a good person who got taken advantage of.

This is my first major step towards healing in almost 11 months.

I’m still shaking and rereading the letter. I just can’t believe it’s… over.

If you read this far, thank you for indulging me. xx

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