
After being promised a promotion for a year, getting 50-55 hours of work a week dumped on me in October and positive feedback throughout to keep the carrot of the promotion ahead of me – got a scathing review that prevented promotion

Boss gave me so much positive feedback at our regular check-ins just to get me to keep overworking then gave me a scathing review full of -1s and -2s when it would have been time to promote me. Just a reminder to never trust them. I’ve already secured another job that, unfortunately, won’t start until after the holidays (so January.) I’ll need to stay at this job until at least December 1 for insurance purposes, ideally would wait until the end of the month to resign for financial reasons. It’s going to be a slog to have to pretend to not be completely checked out.

Boss gave me so much positive feedback at our regular check-ins just to get me to keep overworking then gave me a scathing review full of -1s and -2s when it would have been time to promote me.

Just a reminder to never trust them. I’ve already secured another job that, unfortunately, won’t start until after the holidays (so January.) I’ll need to stay at this job until at least December 1 for insurance purposes, ideally would wait until the end of the month to resign for financial reasons. It’s going to be a slog to have to pretend to not be completely checked out.

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