
After calling in sick to HR, my manager calls me and text me to call her. Is this right? I’ve never had this happen before.

I'm an EMT at a theme park, making $26/hour. I only work maybe 1 -2 shifts at this job during the week because they are only open Fri-Sun now. Yesterday I had a 6 hour shift, today I had an 8 hour shift. During the week, I go to school and have an internship at a clinic and live out of the back of my truck due to gas prices, the commute time, and both being so far from home (50 miles). Anyway, I have not been feeling well since Thursday. Yesterday, I called in sick to HR, in which they stated they would notify my department, and asked if I wanted to use sick time if I had it, I replied “sure”. Today I am feelin better, but not better better, if that makes sense. Oh and keep in mind I have to drive 45 mins to work. So…

I'm an EMT at a theme park, making $26/hour. I only work maybe 1 -2 shifts at this job during the week because they are only open Fri-Sun now. Yesterday I had a 6 hour shift, today I had an 8 hour shift. During the week, I go to school and have an internship at a clinic and live out of the back of my truck due to gas prices, the commute time, and both being so far from home (50 miles). Anyway, I have not been feeling well since Thursday. Yesterday, I called in sick to HR, in which they stated they would notify my department, and asked if I wanted to use sick time if I had it, I replied “sure”. Today I am feelin better, but not better better, if that makes sense. Oh and keep in mind I have to drive 45 mins to work. So I attmepted to call in sick to HR 5 times, but the I was on hold an average of 30 mins each time. Why? I couldn't tell you. HR handles more than just sick calls and has over 500+ employees. So while still being on hold for the 3rd time, I texted my manager, (which I really didn't want to), that “I won't make it in becuase I'm still sick with the flu, and that I 've attemted to call it to HR, but have been on hold 30 mins on sperate occasion. Sorry for the inconvenience.” Immediately, and I mean immediately after that text, mere seconds, she's calling me. I don't answer because I'm on hold with HR, she then text me stating “Please call me”.

About 10 minutes later I finally get a hold of someone at HR to notify them I am still sick. And that's that. However, I have yet to call my manager back like she asked.

Here's my thing:

  1. I have never called in for anything in the time I have been hired (hired in may 2023), but I did get someone to cover my shift (which she approved) last friday so I could study for an exam I had that monday and still came into my shift that saturday).
  2. I've never had this happen before (I never have been a chronic sick caller at any employment my entire life) and have never had a manager tell me to call them on the day I call in sick.
  3. I personally don't believe I need to call her nor should she had called me. I told her everything in the text and I did it out of courtesy. I could have not have texted her and have waited and waited with HR to finally get a hold of someone.
  4. At this point, HR would have notified my department I wouldn't be making in. I don't believe I still need to then call her back after the HR notification and text.

What do you guys think about this whole situation? Is it right for my manager to ask me to call her and want to speak to me? (No, I highly doubt it's a check up call. We're short staffed and when other people have called out when I'm there she's very upset. She has a militant type personality). She handles the lawsuits in park as well so she's REALLY good at finding hidden information about people, so I do fell based on knowing her that she was calling me just to hear what I sounded like.

Am I in the wrong for not calling her or texting her back? What should I do?

As bad as this sounds, the theme park closes in mid-December, I have another job, and I kind of don't care, especially because she knows, the rest of the crew knows, I know, it's unlike me to miss a shift or be sick, I'm not coming back when they reopen, and I doubt she'd fire me for calling in sick and not calling her back with how short staffed we are. This job screwed me from the get go with hours and what not, to where I do find no loyalty towards them, but I do feel bad about calling in because it does affect everyone, but I do find the text for her call her really strange.

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