
After graduation in 2010, then years of non-payment and interest accrual, I was able to refi my student loans out of the fed govt and pay them off over 6 years. No one should have to make the financial sacrifices I did. Cancel student loan debt.

I had a payment of over $600/mo. I went to a state school and was lucky to only have just over $30k when I refi’d (graduated with $24k, my monthly payment when I did start paying didn’t cover the monthly interest accrual). After I refinanced, the monthly payment caused me to be severely limited in what I could do on a regular basis financially. I was making decent money for where I lived, but I lived paycheck to paycheck. For example, I got pregnant and had a miscarriage. I needed a d&c which took all my savings and more because I had a super high deductible. I was then in debt to the hospital and making another monthly payment to them. I had to put groceries and gas on a credit card that had a high rate because my paycheck didn’t go far enough. Cancel student loan debt, coming from…

I had a payment of over $600/mo. I went to a state school and was lucky to only have just over $30k when I refi’d (graduated with $24k, my monthly payment when I did start paying didn’t cover the monthly interest accrual).

After I refinanced, the monthly payment caused me to be severely limited in what I could do on a regular basis financially. I was making decent money for where I lived, but I lived paycheck to paycheck.

For example, I got pregnant and had a miscarriage. I needed a d&c which took all my savings and more because I had a super high deductible. I was then in debt to the hospital and making another monthly payment to them. I had to put groceries and gas on a credit card that had a high rate because my paycheck didn’t go far enough.

Cancel student loan debt, coming from someone who paid theirs off. I hate the argument “what about the people who paid it off??” Yeah, it sucked, and no one should have to be limited in travel, family building, healthcare, or quality of life because they want an education. It’s bullshit.

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