
After what time period should jobs NOT go by just seniority?

I’ve been with the company for almost three years and I have a reputation as being one of the best. There are people here that have been here longer than me (5 years, 7 years etc) that don’t nearly do as good as me and most people see it, even managers. We all do the same job. I’m still always off late while the others are always leaving hours before me. Should a schedule ever go by how good the workers are and not just by seniority? I’m seeing how people take advantage of their seniority, same early schedule every week nomatter what, no incentive to change. What are your thoughts? My options appear to be to bring this up to management and try and be off earlier, or be less productive on purpose since my schedule sucks

I’ve been with the company for almost three years and I have a reputation as being one of the best.

There are people here that have been here longer than me (5 years, 7 years etc) that don’t nearly do as good as me and most people see it, even managers.

We all do the same job.

I’m still always off late while the others are always leaving hours before me.

Should a schedule ever go by how good the workers are and not just by seniority?

I’m seeing how people take advantage of their seniority, same early schedule every week nomatter what, no incentive to change.

What are your thoughts?

My options appear to be to bring this up to management and try and be off earlier, or be less productive on purpose since my schedule sucks

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