
Air Traffic Controllers have the power to end the government shutdown.

The last time the government shut down for an extended period of time, the shut down only ended when Air Traffic controllers stopped showing up to work. They didn't have gas money. The entire country's airline industry was in danger of shutting down which directly affected the members of Congress that fly on the Red Eye. THEN Congress got its shit together to end the shutdown. So, Air Traffic Controllers, stay home. I know you're ordered to go to work because you're “essential” but two weeks into the shutdown, when you don't get that paycheck, you no longer have gas money and can't afford to work for free. Plausible deniability instead of insubordination. Do it. Do it for America!

The last time the government shut down for an extended period of time, the shut down only ended when Air Traffic controllers stopped showing up to work. They didn't have gas money. The entire country's airline industry was in danger of shutting down which directly affected the members of Congress that fly on the Red Eye. THEN Congress got its shit together to end the shutdown.

So, Air Traffic Controllers, stay home. I know you're ordered to go to work because you're “essential” but two weeks into the shutdown, when you don't get that paycheck, you no longer have gas money and can't afford to work for free. Plausible deniability instead of insubordination. Do it. Do it for America!

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