
AITA: PTO debacle

Long story short: My company works from 9am-2pm every Friday. We get off early cause idk but I like it. I am flying out Thursday night to see family and requested to WFH. That was denied so I was prompted to take pto. Whatever that’s fine. So I put in 5 hours for Friday, because that’s our work hours! My boss just told me to put in a whole 8 hours, says “that’s what everyone does when they take off on a Friday” mind you I have taken off on a Friday and I did not take 8 hours. AITA for saying I won’t be changing my PTO request?

Long story short:
My company works from 9am-2pm every Friday. We get off early cause idk but I like it. I am flying out Thursday night to see family and requested to WFH. That was denied so I was prompted to take pto. Whatever that’s fine. So I put in 5 hours for Friday, because that’s our work hours! My boss just told me to put in a whole 8 hours, says “that’s what everyone does when they take off on a Friday” mind you I have taken off on a Friday and I did not take 8 hours. AITA for saying I won’t be changing my PTO request?

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