
AITAH for not reminding my boss I was going on holiday?

I am a 33f in finance. I have been with my current company 1 year and 9 months. I put in for PTO over a month and a half ago; which was approved by my supervisor. Two or so weeks ago I confronted my boss on her underhanded behavior towards me. I was not expecting her to respond in the way she did. My supervisor and I have been close and for the most part, we work in tandem. I was not expecting her to unload on me. She told me she was disappointed in my office gossip. In her words “I talk too much.” I was so confused by the comment, I asked for some context. She asked me if I discussed my salary with others and then asked me if I discussed her being reprimanded with another employee. It’s true I had discussed my pay with another employee.…

I am a 33f in finance. I have been with my current company 1 year and 9 months. I put in for PTO over a month and a half ago; which was approved by my supervisor. Two or so weeks ago I confronted my boss on her underhanded behavior towards me. I was not expecting her to respond in the way she did. My supervisor and I have been close and for the most part, we work in tandem. I was not expecting her to unload on me.

She told me she was disappointed in my office gossip. In her words “I talk too much.” I was so confused by the comment, I asked for some context. She asked me if I discussed my salary with others and then asked me if I discussed her being reprimanded with another employee. It’s true I had discussed my pay with another employee. When asked by my colleague why I turned down a higher paying position, I responded that I got a raise that was too good to pass on. I never told anyone the dollar amount. The state I live in is a ‘right to know state.’ To further prove her point she said she was upset that I discussed her reprimanding with another colleague. Which was entirely false. Although I was present in the office for it, I couldn’t hear what the actual reason was for the conference. When another member was openly discussing her concerns, I put the situation together and just said “I wondered why they had that call the other day.” Never giving anymore information. To me this is all trivial, obviously my commentary was taken out of context! To add insult to injury, I asked her “why am I just now hearing about this?” She reminded me I had a-lot of personal things going on. aka, CANCER! My feelings were so hurt. I had worked through my diagnosis and surgeries with great success. I was insulted she was using that as an excuse!

anyways, apparently I left out for holidays without discussing with my supervisor. She had approved my PTO more than a month before. I did a quick follow up Friday with her, this is what I am doing before I leave. Monday I did the same. She never asked questions. Like why are you leaving? I just assumed she didn’t care! Or too busy to be concerned. Get to the day of my holiday and she starts emailing me work before my OOO kicks in! I am pretty sure she forgot. When I returned to work she complained I didn’t follow up with her! Even though her complaint was “I talked too much!” She accused me of quiet quitting! I don’t think she is wrong, but she said “I should of formally followed up with her before I left!” Was two conversations and her electronic approval not enough notice? I am pretty sure my boss wants me fired!

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