
AITAH? Not putting away cords strung through my cube?

This is mostly a vent, but also figured it was anti work appropriate. I’m design engineer at a OEM vehicle manufacturing company. We’ve got a relatively small office space, as most of the engineering is done at another site. The office is shit, straight from 1970’s desks and all. Recently they’ve been reorganizing my area, taking away cube space to build offices for some folks more important than me. They had to modify electrical about a month ago, which consisted of them unplugging all my shit, moving my desk and drilling holes in the wall and ceiling. They cleaned up nothing and put back nothing, so I came into work to a disaster of a desk covered in dust and debris. Yay. I spent the next 2 hours reorganizing, rearranging, cord management, etc. HDMI, Ethernet, everything run nicely through my cube wall and cords behind my desk organized nicely. Well…

This is mostly a vent, but also figured it was anti work appropriate.

I’m design engineer at a OEM vehicle manufacturing company. We’ve got a relatively small office space, as most of the engineering is done at another site. The office is shit, straight from 1970’s desks and all. Recently they’ve been reorganizing my area, taking away cube space to build offices for some folks more important than me.

They had to modify electrical about a month ago, which consisted of them unplugging all my shit, moving my desk and drilling holes in the wall and ceiling. They cleaned up nothing and put back nothing, so I came into work to a disaster of a desk covered in dust and debris. Yay.

I spent the next 2 hours reorganizing, rearranging, cord management, etc. HDMI, Ethernet, everything run nicely through my cube wall and cords behind my desk organized nicely.

Well last week they did more work, which included them moving my cube wall. This again resulted in desks moved, cords & monitors unplugged and tossed around, etc. Also, the cords are now strung across the floor, rather than tucked away nicely. I refuse to clean it up and organize it again.

“These cords can’t be across the floor, tripping hazard, clean them up”

“They weren’t like that when I left, your guys are the ones responsible”

“Well we had to move stuff, not our fault, regardless, it’s your cube, clean it up”

“Bruh, no”

Cords are still on the floor, my cube is a disaster, and I continue my protest. Yes I’m petty. That is all.

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