
All I want is to run my own photography business (rant)

I (28f) want to run my own photography business. Doing what I do now as a side hustle but full time. What’s stopping me? Well it’s very competitive and not a steady income. Winter time I barely make any money. Another big reason health insurance. Government insurance charge way to much for shitty insurance. I don’t know how other small businesses do it. In the meantime it’s just a side hustle while I work in a school full time. Pay is shit but it’s good health insurance something I won’t get running my own business. Ugh…

I (28f) want to run my own photography business. Doing what I do now as a side hustle but full time. What’s stopping me? Well it’s very competitive and not a steady income. Winter time I barely make any money. Another big reason health insurance. Government insurance charge way to much for shitty insurance. I don’t know how other small businesses do it. In the meantime it’s just a side hustle while I work in a school full time. Pay is shit but it’s good health insurance something I won’t get running my own business. Ugh…

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