
Almost everyone at my job quit at once and now the place is closed with the lights off because there are no employees.

Last night my boss texted us in our group chat a goodbye message and explanation that she quit in protest about unfair, and unreasonable things coming down from corporate. The rest of us, minus two girls (that I'm aware of at this time) took the opportunity to quit as well. All of us had been frustrated, overworked, and underpaid for quite some time, but we stayed out of loyalty to our boss, and the friendships we had among us. I know it's cringe to say, but we really were like a family. We all got along. My boss was like a mother figure to the younger girls, giving advice and helping in life situations that they didn't know how to handle, etc. We also had a very close bond, and called eachother our work wife. I didn't quit last night with the others, I didn't know what to do or…

Last night my boss texted us in our group chat a goodbye message and explanation that she quit in protest about unfair, and unreasonable things coming down from corporate.

The rest of us, minus two girls (that I'm aware of at this time) took the opportunity to quit as well.

All of us had been frustrated, overworked, and underpaid for quite some time, but we stayed out of loyalty to our boss, and the friendships we had among us. I know it's cringe to say, but we really were like a family. We all got along. My boss was like a mother figure to the younger girls, giving advice and helping in life situations that they didn't know how to handle, etc.
We also had a very close bond, and called eachother our work wife.

I didn't quit last night with the others, I didn't know what to do or think at first. I don't have another job lined up, so I was worried about quitting suddenly. So, I went to work this morning, but it wasn't the same. I've been telling myself I needed a better job for a really long time, so why not do it, especially now.

Then my ex boss came in to talk to me, because she knew how I'd be feeling. We both cried, or more like I sobbed on her shoulder. She told me she wanted me to make the decision for myself, but if I really wanted to quit, she would help me.

So, I quit too, and they had to lock the doors because there was no one to work.

Tomorrow she's coming over to my apartment to talk about what I'm going to do next, and I'm going to go do Walmart delivery with her to see if I wanna do that, at least for now. From what I hear it pays better than what I made at that crappy job, so even that is a step up.

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