
Almost Fired for Smelling Like Smoke

I(29m) work at a window/door warehouse as a driver delivering product to install crew. As a temp. I've been there about 3 weeks. Decent enough job, just trying to get my way into the Electrical field(I have alot of various construction exp, grew up in construction). I'm a very hard worker and stay busy as best I can. I always give 100% cuz I'm there anyways, might as well. Helps the day go by faster anyways. Also it's just beneficial for everyone. But I also happen to smoke(common habit among construction workers). I actually just quit smoking Camel filter 99s and switched to Black and Milds and smoked alot less(bc I don't really like b&m, but loved camels) and it smells better (per my wife). Anyways… Yesterday I had to deliver Christmas Decorations to the HQ in the uppity part of town(real snobby place tbh). 7 totes. Carried first one…

I(29m) work at a window/door warehouse as a driver delivering product to install crew. As a temp. I've been there about 3 weeks. Decent enough job, just trying to get my way into the Electrical field(I have alot of various construction exp, grew up in construction). I'm a very hard worker and stay busy as best I can. I always give 100% cuz I'm there anyways, might as well. Helps the day go by faster anyways. Also it's just beneficial for everyone. But I also happen to smoke(common habit among construction workers). I actually just quit smoking Camel filter 99s and switched to Black and Milds and smoked alot less(bc I don't really like b&m, but loved camels) and it smells better (per my wife).


Yesterday I had to deliver Christmas Decorations to the HQ in the uppity part of town(real snobby place tbh). 7 totes. Carried first one in, the owner came up and said “HI, what's your name?” Which kinda felt odd to me for some reason. Told him my name and nothing else was said, carry in rest of totes and wish them all a good night.

Today warehouse boss calls me into his office and tells me the owner told him to fire me. He said he wasnt going to bc he liked me bc he's seen me work and needs another driver. He kinda goes on about some other dude who was in the same boat but just vapes now etc. I was very respectful and basically just agrees with him bc I totally understand that they don't want their product or the vehicle stinking. It's their property so totally understand, no issue with that.

But the problem is others smoke and have told me it's OK to smoke in the vehicles just not at the job sites or in the shop obviously. But I'm not mad at them, I know how it is.

I'm upset with the Owner. Dude has never met me, has never seen me work or what value I actually provide for my department. Dude just wanted me gone because he smelled smoke on me when I dropped off the Christmas Decorations.

Tl;Dr – made a delivery to owner of my job, owner noticed smoke smell but said nothing to me. Almost got fired next day by my supervisor bc of it but didn't bc supe likes me

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