
Already Signed Contract For New Job, Can I Get Out Of It?

Any advice is appreciated, I’ve been losing sleep over this. Long story short, I had been looking to leave my current job due to unorganized management (I was annoyed because I would usually be the guy left to deal with it or else issues wouldn’t get fixed) and regular job issues (understaffing lol). After a few months of on and off searching and a few job interviews, I had landed a job offer at a small business that seems to have a positive environment, however it pays less. This wasn’t an issue at first, so I put in my two weeks notice at my current job. I am now one week into it and I find out that my partners job is severely cutting their hours. I can no longer afford to hop to this other job. I had already signed the contract. There is no set length for time…

Any advice is appreciated, I’ve been losing sleep over this.

Long story short, I had been looking to leave my current job due to unorganized management (I was annoyed because I would usually be the guy left to deal with it or else issues wouldn’t get fixed) and regular job issues (understaffing lol).

After a few months of on and off searching and a few job interviews, I had landed a job offer at a small business that seems to have a positive environment, however it pays less. This wasn’t an issue at first, so I put in my two weeks notice at my current job.

I am now one week into it and I find out that my partners job is severely cutting their hours. I can no longer afford to hop to this other job. I had already signed the contract. There is no set length for time on the contract, it was just explaining my start date/pay rate/regular job stuff. I know I would be an asshole, but can I contact them and explain my situation? I would literally not be able to afford to support my family anymore if I left my current job.

If you’ve stuck around this long, thank you! I’ve been pretty worried over this. I’ve kept details vague, however after reading this you can probably tell that I’m not working as an English teacher lol.

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