
Always Check Yo Check

My first job out of college with a printmaking BFA. I worked at a wholesale business card place, think outsource from Kinkos. The owner's wife started doing our payroll at some point. After a while I noticed my paychecks were off. I came and asked, why with time stamped clock card in hand. I figured out that she thought 12:45 was 12.45 hours. I tried telling her that was not how math worked. She would not listen. She said she had done payroll elsewhere and that was how it was done. Tried to get the order pick up drivers on my side. They all looked at me and shrugged. Should have gone and shown the gristly pressmen but alas. (That would have been an awesome lesson in fuck around.) I went to the owner. Douche's dad owned the whole nationwide franchise. He realized she was wrong and corrected our paychecks.…

My first job out of college with a printmaking BFA. I worked at a wholesale business card place, think outsource from Kinkos. The owner's wife started doing our payroll at some point. After a while I noticed my paychecks were off. I came and asked, why with time stamped clock card in hand. I figured out that she thought 12:45 was 12.45 hours.

I tried telling her that was not how math worked. She would not listen. She said she had done payroll elsewhere and that was how it was done. Tried to get the order pick up drivers on my side. They all looked at me and shrugged. Should have gone and shown the gristly pressmen but alas. (That would have been an awesome lesson in fuck around.)

I went to the owner. Douche's dad owned the whole nationwide franchise. He realized she was wrong and corrected our paychecks.

Young naive pre-internet me did not realize I had a chance for much more back pay at OT level. Maybe a lawsuit because that guy was a real prick.

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