
Am getting written up for using the incorrect colour of pen on an acknowledgment.

So yeah thats basically it. About a week ago I was blamed for a mistake that occurred before being hired at this company. And the person who was trying to get me didn’t like when I pointed out to the people she added on the CC train that I started working May 4 and the error in question occurred on March 11. So cut to today I get an email from this person with my supervisor and the regional manager about a verification process I signed off on being done in blue ink when the process requires it to be done in red ink. After I acknowledged that yes I used blue ink as I honestly didnt think the colour of pen I used matter unless it was a banking document I also do not have any red pens and have not been provided them by my manager to comply…

So yeah thats basically it. About a week ago I was blamed for a mistake that occurred before being hired at this company. And the person who was trying to get me didn’t like when I pointed out to the people she added on the CC train that I started working May 4 and the error in question occurred on March 11.

So cut to today I get an email from this person with my supervisor and the regional manager about a verification process I signed off on being done in blue ink when the process requires it to be done in red ink. After I acknowledged that yes I used blue ink as I honestly didnt think the colour of pen I used matter unless it was a banking document I also do not have any red pens and have not been provided them by my manager to comply with this process. And I figured that was that.

Today I get into work and I have been asked to sign this writeup acknowledging I didnt follow company procedure by my manager. Im honestly so glad im leaving come winter 2023 for school.

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