
Am I a Contractor? Employee? What even is this position?

I started a 2 month contract position on Friday to support a company that needed some temp IT help while going through system changes. I really need the income from this position, because without income I'm weeks away from being completely destitute. The position is $30 an hour through a contracting firm, but so far it has more red flags than the grand opening at Target. So far: -I haven't gotten the SoW. -I got a “Contract Offer Agreement” which seems to just say that I'm going to get an SoW with details. -They are going to pay me through Zelle or CashApp?? -They had no idea where the client wanted me on the first day. -It took them 3 tries to get the COA to me without glaring errors, and the one they finally sent me didn't have a fillable field for the signature so I physically couldn't sign…

I started a 2 month contract position on Friday to support a company that needed some temp IT help while going through system changes. I really need the income from this position, because without income I'm weeks away from being completely destitute.

The position is $30 an hour through a contracting firm, but so far it has more red flags than the grand opening at Target. So far:

-I haven't gotten the SoW.

-I got a “Contract Offer Agreement” which seems to just say that I'm going to get an SoW with details.

-They are going to pay me through Zelle or CashApp??

-They had no idea where the client wanted me on the first day.

-It took them 3 tries to get the COA to me without glaring errors, and the one they finally sent me didn't have a fillable field for the signature so I physically couldn't sign it

-They had the phone number for our POC wrong, so we got to spend 30 minutes sitting in a lobby, confused.

-They had the address we needed to report to on the first day incorrect. It was only 5 minutes away, but it wasn't the location listed in previous conversations.

-I've still never had any meeting to discuss the position, just a screening by the client and a short phone call.

I am so utterly lost. I feel like we should be considered employees for these two months, and that this is a tax dodge. I can't just not do the position, I'm too desperate for the money. Any suggestions?

For reference, our COA:

Like what the hell am I even looking at here?

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