
Am I a little bitch?

I work inventory for a small nutrition company. I enjoy my work for the most part, and my coworkers. I work from 9-6PM and travel about 40 minutes each way. So, really it's 8:20 to 6:45 5 days a week. This I loathe. I have no time to be creative, be with my husband and dog, breathe, etc. because I’m still overcoming health issues so that long of a day really beats the life out of me. This is my first job after being unemployed for 11 months due to severe health issues. Although my health isn't where it should be I still work hard, and I'm confident in that. I just want to know if this is as bad as I think it is…. I was trained for a total of 3 days, and it was minimal. My main boss is a micromanager, and it's starting to get to…

I work inventory for a small nutrition company. I enjoy my work for the most part, and my coworkers. I work from 9-6PM and travel about 40 minutes each way. So, really it's 8:20 to 6:45 5 days a week. This I loathe. I have no time to be creative, be with my husband and dog, breathe, etc. because I’m still overcoming health issues so that long of a day really beats the life out of me.

This is my first job after being unemployed for 11 months due to severe health issues. Although my health isn't where it should be I still work hard, and I'm confident in that. I just want to know if this is as bad as I think it is….

I was trained for a total of 3 days, and it was minimal. My main boss is a micromanager, and it's starting to get to me soooo bad. In addition, my inventory boss (his wife) makes bad remarks about my coworkers when they're not around and I hate what it does to the working atmosphere. I'm losing so much respect for them. She isn't as bad, truly, and lets me do my thing because she knows I WORK.

-2 minutes after we open I'm already getting told to do something that isn't even my job. I will gladly help out where I need to, but if things aren’t being done because he won’t hire another person for the front, it’s just like… come on due. And at 5:56 PM trying to pack up and he's telling me this and that to do tomorrow blah blah

-constantly getting told to do this or that differently even though It wasn't me who messed it up in the first place.

-late (9:02 arrival time but we open at 9 so I'm supposed to be there at 8:50) for 2 days in a row due to being out of my ADHD meds and they knew that. They sit me down saying I need to be on time, and that I shouldn't be dilly-dallying. ??? Also, he said no headphones in at work only to play elevator music?? Like he knows I work in the back by myself and I work ALL day… why can't I listen to a podcast to help me focus??

-I told a customer to “have a good one”… immediately told me not to say that because he doesn't like it…k cool

-I was on the phone with a supplier and he walks over to me AND TRIES TALKING TO ME WHEN IM ON THE PHONE! I literally have to tell him, “can you please give me a minute?” He's done this before

-I'm starting to take on more responsibilities like making nut mixes which isn't my job…. but he bugs me constantly about it

-I just feel like I never do anything right, in time, to his standard, ever. And he's never happy. We had a staff meeting and “business is not where it was last year.” and he rearranged the way the nutritionists and I communicate OOS, special orders, the whole ordeal.

-So many times a day he interupts what I'm doing. I can never feel relaxed and zoned in because I know that he will come around the corner again and blab. This isn't even the tip of the iceberg I just had to get this out. I'm miserable.

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