
Am I an anti worker, egoistical or a parasite?

So I tried working a few years back but my mental health made it difficult. My country gives decent welfare if you struggle for some time, however it lasted longer than I expected to get my mental health sorted out, so I got welfare for life, literally til the end of my days. Now I did'nt live a luxurious life nor earned that much in my previous job compared to welfare I'm getting right now. What is interesting or sad, is that unless I work over 80% my income will only be increased by a tiny bit. Now my mental health is better and could probably work full time but for the sake of an argument, I choose not too. I can still have all the life necessities met every month and have leftovers incase of emergencies even though health care is free here and honestly I enjoy just living…

So I tried working a few years back but my mental health made it difficult. My country gives decent welfare if you struggle for some time, however it lasted longer than I expected to get my mental health sorted out, so I got welfare for life, literally til the end of my days. Now I did'nt live a luxurious life nor earned that much in my previous job compared to welfare I'm getting right now. What is interesting or sad, is that unless I work over 80% my income will only be increased by a tiny bit. Now my mental health is better and could probably work full time but for the sake of an argument, I choose not too.

I can still have all the life necessities met every month and have leftovers incase of emergencies even though health care is free here and honestly I enjoy just living life my way, spending my time however I like and I countribute to society in my own way. It's not that I hate society or people, I just see almost no points for exchanging that with the life I have now taking in all the factors. So what you think, am I a parasite or ?

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