
Am I an employee or an independent contractor?

looking for legal advice. ​ I'm currently working for a US company remotely from Mexico. ​ My current employer has always made us sign a contract in which we state that we are not their employees but in fact, we are “independent contractors” in which they as a company are our clients and not our employers. ​ Every time a yearly review comes up, that is the meeting in which we are supposed to “negotiate” our salary for the next year, they are always confirming that we are their employees, therefore, we do not have a right to a reasonable payment and we should just be thankful that they pay us enough for our 8 hours work. ​ If according to the contract, I'm an independent contractor providing services to a client, am I not supposed to have the right to put a price on my services? and if am…

looking for legal advice.

I'm currently working for a US company remotely from Mexico.

My current employer has always made us sign a contract in which we state that we are not their employees but in fact, we are “independent contractors” in which they as a company are our clients and not our employers.

Every time a yearly review comes up, that is the meeting in which we are supposed to “negotiate” our salary for the next year, they are always confirming that we are their employees, therefore, we do not have a right to a reasonable payment and we should just be thankful that they pay us enough for our 8 hours work.

If according to the contract, I'm an independent contractor providing services to a client, am I not supposed to have the right to put a price on my services? and if am i an employee, am I not supposed to get paid above the minimum rate and legal benefits that come with the work?

Because I'm getting neither of these options.

NOTE – I work per day, not per hour, and they do not pay us the extra hours.

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