
Am I being directly attacked, or am I crazy?

For context, I work in Information Technology doing a variety of system administration and business-to-business customer support tasks as my role. Recently management has become highly paranoid towards remote employees up to salaried employees having to clock in and out—anger towards anyone who needs to turn off their camera on Teams meetings briefly—and now requiring a 5-minute response time on Teams to often highly complex technical questions. But fine those may be seen a reasonable requests until these emails have everyone alphabetical but my name at the front of the recipient list visible to everyone. I am far from a perfect employee but at this point, I'm wondering if I should go find another role at a less toxic company. I have the following email I'm thinking about sending first to try and address these concerns. I'm not unreasonable but at this point am frustrated. What are your thoughts on…

For context, I work in Information Technology doing a variety of system administration and business-to-business customer support tasks as my role.

Recently management has become highly paranoid towards remote employees up to salaried employees having to clock in and out—anger towards anyone who needs to turn off their camera on Teams meetings briefly—and now requiring a 5-minute response time on Teams to often highly complex technical questions.

But fine those may be seen a reasonable requests until these emails have everyone alphabetical but my name at the front of the recipient list visible to everyone.

I am far from a perfect employee but at this point, I'm wondering if I should go find another role at a less toxic company.

I have the following email I'm thinking about sending first to try and address these concerns. I'm not unreasonable but at this point am frustrated.

What are your thoughts on this?

Email I'd like to send:

Good morning,

I hope this email finds you well. I am bringing to light an issue that has surfaced recently regarding our company-wide communications.

First and foremost, I express my deep appreciation for the opportunities I've had to grow and develop within the company. Your support has been instrumental in my progress, and I continuously strive to maintain the highest levels of professionalism and effective communication.

However, I've noticed a recurring trend in our company-wide emails where my name consistently appears at the beginning of the recipient list. This pattern, whether intentional or not, could inadvertently send the message to my colleagues that emails on performance improvements or “raising the bar” are primarily directed at me.

In addition, being a remote employee, this situation further amplifies feelings of isolation and unintentionally fosters a hostile work environment. It could impact my professional image within the company and create an uncomfortable working environment, making me feel undervalued. This concern could also resonate with other remote employees who similarly interpret these emails.

As you know, I have recently been undergoing treatment for psychiatric health issues. During this period, I've found it necessary to occasionally turn off my video during meetings as a reasonable accommodation to manage my anxiety and keep the focus on communication rather than personal appearances. Rest assured, I have always been and will continue to be active in our meetings, contributing as necessary and as effectively via voice as I would on video. I hope this approach is understood and respected as a measure to enhance my ability to engage more productively.

In light of the recent pattern of emails, I would also like to discuss the responsibility I bear towards the remote employees and independent contractors I have brought onto our team. It is crucial for me to protect and support them and to ensure that the environment they work in is conducive to their success. How feedback is communicated can directly impact their perceptions of their value to the company, and it's a responsibility I don't take lightly.

While I remain open to direct and constructive feedback, such feedback should be communicated directly to the individual involved to prevent misunderstandings and maintain a supportive, inclusive environment, especially for remote employees.

The purpose of this communication is not to criticize but rather to facilitate a discussion on how we can further improve our communication strategies to ensure all employees, irrespective of their location, feel valued, respected, and included. Open dialogue on such matters strongly contributes to a stronger, more cohesive team and a more productive working environment.

I would appreciate your thoughts on this matter and welcome the opportunity to discuss it further at your earliest convenience. Thank you very much for your understanding and for taking the time to consider my perspective.

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