
Am I being discriminated?

Well I’ve only been employed here at this place for about 7 months now. When I first got hired before I even got my first paycheck I was told by a supervisor that he sent someone else to lunch before me because he felt like being racist that day, I was also called a dock monkey by one of the drivers (I’m black) I talked to managers and wrote a report; supervisor only received training on a computer and 1 day suspension and the driver was only told to watch his mouth. About a month or so after that a lead for outbound was working with us (inbound) apparently had a problem with me using the forklift that he normally uses which none of us have assigned forkliftts. He had a tantrum when I refused to get off since he wasn’t even using it ; acted in a violent manor…

Well I’ve only been employed here at this place for about 7 months now. When I first got hired before I even got my first paycheck I was told by a supervisor that he sent someone else to lunch before me because he felt like being racist that day, I was also called a dock monkey by one of the drivers (I’m black) I talked to managers and wrote a report; supervisor only received training on a computer and 1 day suspension and the driver was only told to watch his mouth.
About a month or so after that a lead for outbound was working with us (inbound) apparently had a problem with me using the forklift that he normally uses which none of us have assigned forkliftts. He had a tantrum when I refused to get off since he wasn’t even using it ; acted in a violent manor and threw company equipment down to the grown.
I went to HR made a statement. I believe he was suspended for 1 day as well.
Now several weeks later after working cordially together I’ve noticed that same lead keeps trying to call me out on little petty stuff such as “ hey it says you bayed this here at 16x where is it I can’t find it “ then we go look for it and it’s there or he’ll try and say I’m talking to much to the drivers even after I’ve finished loading 3 trailers and he does the same thing for longer periods. Mind you each time he has done this and every since the incidents that has happened previously I’ve kept a log of everything that has made me feel uncomfortable even if it’s a small thing. I noticed this behavior from him and thought these were petty little things that don’t need to be brought up to the manager every time and I also don’t want to make a problem bigger than it should be.

Now fast forward to now. While I’m on my scanner in a trailer sitting stationary in a trailer this lead decides to stop and tell me I need to stop using my phone and pay attention more. This guy is behind me on his forklift while I’m in the trailer on mine there is no way he could tell what device I am on. It immediately pissed me off I ignored him, continued finishing what I was doing when I decided to approach him to ask what his problem was. I was nice about it because Ik this guy likes to cry to and run to the managers a lot. Even though I was nice about asking him what’s his problem and why are you always on my case he freaks out and says im not doing this and he’s gonna talk to the managers.
The next day I get called into the office and they wrote me up for device usage because ( safety concerns ) despite the fact EVERYONE is allowed to use their device on the dock. Everyone listens to music. Everyone wears their hoodies and doesn’t wear seatbelts on the forklift. So how are they trying to write me up ? the only reason it was reported is because this guy is hyper fixated on me for some reason.
I then went and asked the supervisor ( which is the guy who felt like being racist mentioned earlier ) if he himself has an issue with my usage, if I have ever been unsafe, is my performance lower than usual that day, everything in which he tells me I do fine and I have nothings to worry about. But when I go talk to the actual managers they tell me a different thing and mention I’ve had close calls and been seen with both buds in my ear. I ask about the close calls and they can’t tell me anything about it. I’ve never been talked to directly about having headphones in nor being close to hitting someone which is very serious to me. I’m feeling very singled out and when I see the guys in the office and I’m not I feel that they talk about me. So I went in the office and left my phone voice recording and sure enough I find out they are. I ask the supervisor one on one “ you guys don’t talk about me when I’m not in here do you ? “ and he lies.

I’m not sure what to do anymore it seems like I get no where with the managers. We aren’t union and every time I have to go to HR it’s through them. What should I do ?

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