
Am I being over bearing for a dollar or is my GM a penny pincher?

(Alt/old account I made it at a poopy time in my life) I work in technology manufacturing, specifically a contracted company for the US's biggest semiconductor producer. My coworkers make a dollar more than all while doing the same job. One of said coworkers, C, is a new trainee I've taken over because our shift lead had to take a sudden leave (I think for family). My other coworker, D, is a few years older than me and I knew he made a dollar more but I was generally okay with it cause of his age and we have the same certification. But this new guy? He's younger than me (not by much) and doesn't have a cert like me and D do. Hell he doesn't even want to be in this industry. C's dad works in another part of the floor and I think ushered him in so he'd…

(Alt/old account I made it at a poopy time in my life)

I work in technology manufacturing, specifically a contracted company for the US's biggest semiconductor producer. My coworkers make a dollar more than all while doing the same job. One of said coworkers, C, is a new trainee I've taken over because our shift lead had to take a sudden leave (I think for family). My other coworker, D, is a few years older than me and I knew he made a dollar more but I was generally okay with it cause of his age and we have the same certification. But this new guy? He's younger than me (not by much) and doesn't have a cert like me and D do. Hell he doesn't even want to be in this industry. C's dad works in another part of the floor and I think ushered him in so he'd start doing something. He wants to do music management or something. C's and D's base pay is what I asked for initially and didn't get it. I emailed my GM and HR about getting paid the same and the reply from my GM was a very elaborate “No”.

“Pay is based on several factors including previous experience, job market conditions, and candidates negotiating” – a part of my GM's reply

I just dont see why I'm getting the short end of the stick here and it's now becoming a hassle to get paid the same. I have nothing against C and D they're good peoples and make the time go by.

A few things: I have asked to move into other roles as they were open and more geared towards what I want to do (troubleshooting/repair), had a meeting with GM about it and was told the floor manager would talk to me…only to get no follow up.

If I was making what I asked for I'd be up $1000 not including overtime. I've worked there less than 6 months and already the higher ups from the company that contracts us, IT, know mine and D's name and faces for good reasons.

A few IT employees I work directly with who used to work for the same contractor all had pay problems and other problems with the same GM… no one not even the floor manager can remember the last time he was actually inside at production. There's office rooms for meetings but GM comes maybe twice a year.

C and D have no production experience, neither do I. We've all been food/retail, C came from a warehouse job. I dont see any experience they have over me.

I love this industry, it's my dream to be here, but I won't be treated unfairly. Yes it's a dollar but in this economy that extra $$ a month is a literal bill and card payment. Any and all advice is appreciated

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