
Am I being over sensitive or does my manager hate me?

Recently our staffing got moved around, and while the job is the same, the buildings we’re in are different, with new managers. I got along fine with my old coworkers and managers, with no complaints. My new manager has yet to say a hello, good morning, etc. The only thing she says is my morning assignments and to complain I haven’t done something fast enough. I chalked it up to maybe she’s just rude or she’s just not one for niceties. Today (on my fourth day in the new building) the upper management went around to inspect our workspaces while I was on lunch. She texts me to call her when I get back. When we meet up, she brings me inside the storage closet where there’s three other coworkers and proceeds to tell me the upper management “had a fit” at how messy the closet was and that she…

Recently our staffing got moved around, and while the job is the same, the buildings we’re in are different, with new managers. I got along fine with my old coworkers and managers, with no complaints. My new manager has yet to say a hello, good morning, etc. The only thing she says is my morning assignments and to complain I haven’t done something fast enough. I chalked it up to maybe she’s just rude or she’s just not one for niceties.
Today (on my fourth day in the new building) the upper management went around to inspect our workspaces while I was on lunch. She texts me to call her when I get back. When we meet up, she brings me inside the storage closet where there’s three other coworkers and proceeds to tell me the upper management “had a fit” at how messy the closet was and that she was “humiliated at having such a messy area.” She points out multiple issues and wouldn’t let me explain why things are like that, and I could see the my coworkers looking awkward in the corner.
I fixed most of the things (that I could reasonably do) she had pointed out, and reported them at the end of my shift when she asked. She responded with, “I’ll be walking your area again tonight to check if you actually did. You need to remember you have a job here to do. We’ll talk about this again tomorrow.”
I’ve asked other coworkers what their experiences with my direct manager are, and about half say she’s rude to them, and the other half say she’s a really nice lady. Four people I told about this reprimand incident have told me to go to the upper management to file a complaint. I’m scared they’ll think I’m just making excuses for my mess and that I’m blaming my manager, but I also don’t think I can keep working with this manager.
I’ve only worked with this manager for four days but I’m really not hopeful that her opinion of me will change. Is this all in my head or does she really not like me and should I report this (possible) mistreatment?

For more context- the storage closet’s cleanliness looked similar to my old one, which never received complaints from upper management. The company puts emphasis on the hallways outside being clear, so I had grabbed all the trash and thrown it in the small bin before I went to break. I was running late and they’re strict about break time so I figured I’d take it down to the main bin when I clocked back in from lunch. That mess was my fault.

Tldr: new manager likes to talk down to me, lectured me in front of coworkers, is generally short/rude to me. Does she hate me? Should I ask upper management to transfer?

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