
Am I being selfish or should I get paid more

I’m 19 working retail, I plan on leaving for a trade shortly however that’s not what this post is about I was asked to go to a different state for 5 days to help at a store. It’s about a 5 hour drive each way. I’d be spending the nights in a hotel. Now, being a stupid 19 year old I said, “sure, sounds fun.” I assumed I was going to make bank that week and I was excited because I’m trying to save up as much money as possible. They are paying for my hotel and gas, which I expected. However I’m getting no extra pay for the hours I work at the store. It was stupid of me not to ask, but am I selfish/ignorant for not seeing the point in going away for 5 days when I could make the same money at my normal workplace (5…

I’m 19 working retail, I plan on leaving for a trade shortly however that’s not what this post is about

I was asked to go to a different state for 5 days to help at a store. It’s about a 5 hour drive each way. I’d be spending the nights in a hotel. Now, being a stupid 19 year old I said, “sure, sounds fun.” I assumed I was going to make bank that week and I was excited because I’m trying to save up as much money as possible. They are paying for my hotel and gas, which I expected. However I’m getting no extra pay for the hours I work at the store. It was stupid of me not to ask, but am I selfish/ignorant for not seeing the point in going away for 5 days when I could make the same money at my normal workplace (5 min from home) sleep in my own bed, cook my own food ETC. it kind of feels like I was taken advantage of but lesson learned I guess. I think it’s too late to back out now.

I’m assuming some will point out how this will be good for my career etc, so let me just say this:

I don’t have any plans on spending my career here

I’ve worked here almost 4 years, started at minimum wage and was finally promoted to where I make 17.50. However I’m in Massachusetts so not a big jump. This company does not give decent wages IMO.

So let me know what you think, I’m personally pissed off and I can only be mad at myself. My friends are coming home from college and I’ll be in a different state

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