
Am I being squeezed or pushed out?

I have worked in this position for almost two years. My employment is regulated by the Canadian Labour Code, not provincial legislation. Since I have been here for over 12 months, I believe this entitles me to some protection from arbitrary dismissal, at least more so than in provincially regulated workplaces, but maybe I am mistaken. A new guy was hired in my department maybe three months ago. Previously it was mostly me and my manager, but the owners kept firing my managers, so it was mostly me. Management seems infatuated with this new guy. He’s highly sociable, agrees with everything, and is always eager for more; it’s like he is the Golden Boy for everyone. He’s the kind of person that seems to thrive in BS like those awful pizza parties companies are constantly doing for workers (he loves to suggest stuff like that). At a meeting today with…

I have worked in this position for almost two years. My employment is regulated by the Canadian Labour Code, not provincial legislation. Since I have been here for over 12 months, I believe this entitles me to some protection from arbitrary dismissal, at least more so than in provincially regulated workplaces, but maybe I am mistaken.

A new guy was hired in my department maybe three months ago. Previously it was mostly me and my manager, but the owners kept firing my managers, so it was mostly me.

Management seems infatuated with this new guy. He’s highly sociable, agrees with everything, and is always eager for more; it’s like he is the Golden Boy for everyone. He’s the kind of person that seems to thrive in BS like those awful pizza parties companies are constantly doing for workers (he loves to suggest stuff like that).

At a meeting today with our Customer Success Manager at one of our suppliers, someone I have worked with for the better part of the last almost two years, he jumped in and suggested a new meeting to learn more about this software. Surprised, I asked him about this since I am paid to install, configure, and administer this software. He said he had questions, but when I inquired further what those questions were and to see if I could answer them, he said “management” was discussing with him utilizing it differently.

Why wasn’t I included in these discussions?

I’ll admit that I am not sociable. I keep quiet, do what I am asked, and leave. I am not interested in pizza or BBQ parties, making friends, discussing the weather, etc. I am not the “Service with a Smile” kind of guy in the office for 10 hours a day in my cubicle.

But is this a cause for me to be sidelined or pushed out? Should I be concerned? I can't really afford to be unemployed right now.

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