
am i being unreasonable to quit this job after one month?

i'm working retail right now after leaving the medical field as a receptionist/tech. i was getting paid full time $14 an hour so i took this part time $17 an hour job because i figured i needed the break & also nobody is hiring for $17 as a cashier. after two weeks i immediately started looking for another job. retail has gotten so much worse since i was a cashier. i get negative reviews sent to corporate all the time about stupid things like not smiling enough or knowing where a specific product is (i've been there for literally a month so i have a hard time finding things, i always ask a manager for help). my training has been terrible. all of my managers tell me different things. i still don't understand our pos system. they push us to sell credit cards, obviously nobody wants them but i have…

i'm working retail right now after leaving the medical field as a receptionist/tech. i was getting paid full time $14 an hour so i took this part time $17 an hour job because i figured i needed the break & also nobody is hiring for $17 as a cashier. after two weeks i immediately started looking for another job. retail has gotten so much worse since i was a cashier. i get negative reviews sent to corporate all the time about stupid things like not smiling enough or knowing where a specific product is (i've been there for literally a month so i have a hard time finding things, i always ask a manager for help). my training has been terrible. all of my managers tell me different things. i still don't understand our pos system. they push us to sell credit cards, obviously nobody wants them but i have to sell 5 per shift. my coworkers usually go after immigrants who don't speak english well and don't disclose that it's an actual credit card when they sign them up. i refuse to do this so my managers tell me i need to improve my numbers. my managers are routinely late (30/40 minutes late) to my early morning shifts. i told them i was unavailable sundays so i get scheduled for 7-10pm meetings on sundays. i know i haven't been here long i just hate it. i feel bad for not giving it more time. i already have another job lined up for $18 an hour, full time, weekends off. i'm handing in my two weeks today and i'm hoping they don't just fire me on the spot. i've never hated a job this much. my 4 hour shifts feel unbearable

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