
Am I crazy for wanting to quit my job?

Wanted to reach out for my sanities sake, just make sure I'm not going crazy for wanting to quit and find greener pastures. For reference I work as a contractor in a lower level IT position at a major pharmaceutical/retail company in the U.S, you probably have at least 2 to 20 of these in your town. My job when I was hired was presented as busy but not a mentally or physically strenuous job. That was last august Everything was fine until the start of the new year, the project we were assigned to got much larger, with more expectations and work piled onto my team while they did not address logistic and manpower issues. We worked out asses off from January to June without any real down time. Once July hit our workload started slowing down. This reprieve was well met as many of us have talked about…

Wanted to reach out for my sanities sake, just make sure I'm not going crazy for wanting to quit and find greener pastures.

For reference I work as a contractor in a lower level IT position at a major pharmaceutical/retail company in the U.S, you probably have at least 2 to 20 of these in your town. My job when I was hired was presented as busy but not a mentally or physically strenuous job. That was last august

Everything was fine until the start of the new year, the project we were assigned to got much larger, with more expectations and work piled onto my team while they did not address logistic and manpower issues. We worked out asses off from January to June without any real down time. Once July hit our workload started slowing down. This reprieve was well met as many of us have talked about the rapid burnout we have been experiencing.

Management does not like us not working, so they have us helping inventory teams throughout the day with manual labor work, something i was not hired to do but they are pointing to the “…and other responsibilities” section of my contract as carte blanche to have me do whatever they want.

Last week a meeting was held where we were told that while our company met fiscal expectations, with the economic climate they see fit to lay people off to save even more money. I have a very firm suspicion that my team is apart of that, as manager since then are policing our socializing, our breaks, our response times, everything you can nitpick they are doing. If you have done your actual work and have any down time they are expecting you to find busy work around the office. The final straw for me is comple restriction on phone access during work hours. Mind you i work in a office space not a front end store.

This has proven very challenging as we all work In close proximity to server racks that go 24/7. It emits a high pitched whining noise constantly, I used to drown this out easily with an audio book or podcast while I worked, but now that they have made the use of this a write up. A coworker tried to broach a reasonable arrangement with our bosses to leave the use of headphones to our desks only, their compromise is to get us earplugs…

It feels insulting, im a grown ass adult who is wildly underpaid in my position, I took this job for experience in the field as this is my first non help desk it job, but I can't see myself staying any longer as work conditions have plummeted as they try to get us to leave before they need to fire anyone.

I already have a letter of immediate resignation signed in my desk, and I have an email draft to send to my contractor right when I quit in person. My dad thinks i can stick it out to have these people as a reference, which i agree i do really need right now but I need to shovel shit so they might give me a good word? People like this should not be given a notice, especially since when they fire us there's no notice at all.

Am I crazy for wanting to quit this shit?

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