
Am I exaggerating?

Hi everyone! I became a stay at home mom 3 months ago and gave up my demanding job to stay with my baby but as I was trying to adjust to being at home all day long I decided to join a group of Spanish tutors in my town to get out of the house a couple of hours a week and make some money. I found a lady that owns a tutoring company that teaches at different schools in town for an after school program and I have taught kids before and I enjoy it so it was perfect. The pay isn’t that fair but it was something I’d be enjoying so I let it slide. I was told I’d be handling a class of 16 little kids for $50 less than an hour twice a week and I agreed to that but it hasn’t been what I expected.…

Hi everyone! I became a stay at home mom 3 months ago and gave up my demanding job to stay with my baby but as I was trying to adjust to being at home all day long I decided to join a group of Spanish tutors in my town to get out of the house a couple of hours a week and make some money. I found a lady that owns a tutoring company that teaches at different schools in town for an after school program and I have taught kids before and I enjoy it so it was perfect. The pay isn’t that fair but it was something I’d be enjoying so I let it slide. I was told I’d be handling a class of 16 little kids for $50 less than an hour twice a week and I agreed to that but it hasn’t been what I expected. We had a meeting prior to the classes starting where I thought I’d have some training of what was expected for me to do but I was only told my schedule and given workbooks for my students so I figured I could plan the class however I wanted. The first day of class I got told I’d have another tutor join me so we could “co-teach” but the other tutor said she was told to supervise me so she never did any teaching, just took notes of me and to make it “better” I was told the other tutor would get $10 of my $50 pay because she was coming to class with me. I didn’t protest much and let it slide, probably shouldn’t have but I was still giving it a chance. After a few classes I finally had a class alone and that day, our boss decided to come evaluate me on how I was teaching the class, she had never told me what she expected but came with a whole evaluation sheet with expectations and of course, I failed a bunch of them cause I had no idea. The class is only 45 minutes long and she had a structured class of at least 10 things that I needed to do with the kids during each class. I told her that it was impossible in 45 minutes so she gave me a bad evaluation and told me to plan for the 45 minutes to be enough to do everything and basically have me no choice. Now, 2 tutors left, they said two months ago they’d be leaving for whatever reasons and we’re down to 3, I told her with enough time that I won’t be here for most of November so she could find a replacement but now she’s saying she doesn’t know what to do cause she has no tutors but she had 2 months to look for more. Additionally to this, I sent her my invoice for the classes I taught in October and at first she ignored me for a week so I sent the invoice again and she responded by asking me for her my address so she can mail me the check, which makes no sense because I live 7 minutes away from her, she has come to my house twice (first time to give me my check, second time another tutor came and our boss showed up without asking if she could because she needed to meet with the other tutor) and she has my address in my application and in our text messages so I feel like she’s es responding that way because I need a replacement and because I complained about not getting paid on time. I feel like she is unfair, probably doesn’t like means she’s retaliating against me by holding my check for longer, am I exaggerating?

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