
Am I getting a skewed perception here?

While I'm usually in agreement with everything I see on this sub, I'm concerned that I'm developing an unfounded negative attitude towards conventional “work for money” jobs. Is there a place where I can hear stories of people who love working for money? Am I getting an accurate picture of what most US jobs are like? Certainly seems that way but I just need to be sure I'm giving this issue fair treatment. On another note, the name of this sub should perhaps be “anti-wages: because I'd suspect most of us would more than willing to freely give our labor to tasks that benefit us all, such as farming, building infrastructure, making medicine, etc. (Assuming we could survive in such a system)

While I'm usually in agreement with everything I see on this sub, I'm concerned that I'm developing an unfounded negative attitude towards conventional “work for money” jobs. Is there a place where I can hear stories of people who love working for money? Am I getting an accurate picture of what most US jobs are like? Certainly seems that way but I just need to be sure I'm giving this issue fair treatment.

On another note, the name of this sub should perhaps be “anti-wages: because I'd suspect most of us would more than willing to freely give our labor to tasks that benefit us all, such as farming, building infrastructure, making medicine, etc. (Assuming we could survive in such a system)

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