
Am I going crazy?

Kind of a long rant ahead, be warned. I’ve been working at this current job as a pharmacy technician for about 6 or 7 months. The entire time I’ve worked here I’ve packed roughly 80-100 orders every day (which is pretty much exactly what everyone else does as well). Recently there was an opening for a shift I would have really liked to get, and I applied for it. Over a month later I’ve heard nothing about the position, but someone who was just hired got asked why he didn’t apply for it. Today (almost 2.5 months from the opening) I asked my shift lead if they were still trying to fill it, because I was still interested. That’s when she told me; “Oh X and Y have said no because your numbers are too low and you slack off too much, this is a position where you can’t slack”.…

Kind of a long rant ahead, be warned.

I’ve been working at this current job as a pharmacy technician for about 6 or 7 months. The entire time I’ve worked here I’ve packed roughly 80-100 orders every day (which is pretty much exactly what everyone else does as well).

Recently there was an opening for a shift I would have really liked to get, and I applied for it. Over a month later I’ve heard nothing about the position, but someone who was just hired got asked why he didn’t apply for it.

Today (almost 2.5 months from the opening) I asked my shift lead if they were still trying to fill it, because I was still interested. That’s when she told me;

“Oh X and Y have said no because your numbers are too low and you slack off too much, this is a position where you can’t slack”.

Well X (shift lead) has had no problems with me that have been brought to my attention, if anything I thought we were cool. Y is the head of the pharmacy essentially, and I’ve never even had a conversation with her. The shift lead I asked, however, is the person who complains about me to other people. Saying things like I have no “work ethic” and I “follow people around like a puppy” (both of which I think are bullshit, how am I supposed to get trained if I’m not following people around and learning from them?)

Everyone I’ve asked has said something along the lines of, “that doesn’t even make sense, you do fine.” And one person I talked to even said, “if that doesn’t show they don’t like you, idk what will”. I just feel like I’m losing my mind here. I come in and work hard to get all the medication packed and sent out on time, then told I’m not doing good enough? But I had to ask what the issue was, nobody even said anything to me about this until now and I don’t even understand how I COULD go much faster. I’m already doing quite a lot but there’s people who do less than I do who get praised for “carrying the pharmacy on their shoulders”

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