
Am I in the wrong to want to quit after 4 months?

Let me elaborate why. So I work for a large hardware retail corporation, and I was hired in early January. At the time, it was my second semester of my senior year of high school (I'm done now) and I'm in my after school theater program that was soon to go to state competition in the following month and had practice on Mondays & Wednesdays. I informed the interviewers at the time of the interview that I wouldn't be able to work one week of February because I'd be gone. I got the job during the interview because the interviewers liked me. I didn't know, however, what department I was going to get until the interview (I got part-time plumbing) and was informed that plumbing's “sister” department was electrical. They didn't tell me that electrical is also over lighting. Anyways, as soon as I finish the interview, I go to…

Let me elaborate why. So I work for a large hardware retail corporation, and I was hired in early January. At the time, it was my second semester of my senior year of high school (I'm done now) and I'm in my after school theater program that was soon to go to state competition in the following month and had practice on Mondays & Wednesdays. I informed the interviewers at the time of the interview that I wouldn't be able to work one week of February because I'd be gone.

I got the job during the interview because the interviewers liked me. I didn't know, however, what department I was going to get until the interview (I got part-time plumbing) and was informed that plumbing's “sister” department was electrical. They didn't tell me that electrical is also over lighting. Anyways, as soon as I finish the interview, I go to meet the scheduling lady to establish my availability and schedule. This lady clearly disliked me even from the beginning. She was supposed to be over my training and after the interview, she told me to come back a couple of days later to begin my training.

I return those couple of days later for her to tell me she didn't say to come back a couple of days later. She told me to come back another couple of days and which I did, which was on a weekend and she did not work weekends. This cycle happened for about 3-4 weeks until I actually began training, but only once another person hooked me up to start the training videos, I was done the same day and had my apron and started on the floor the next day.

The first thing I was told by the person I shadowed was “Get out of plumbing as soon as possible” by a guy that's worked there for 8 years. My first day on the floor, I met my department manager and she spoke to me for about 9 minutes before walking off from me and allowing customers to approach me and ask questions. That was one of my coworkers last day and I only found out I replaced him months later. Before I went on my competition trip, I had informed the scheduling lady 3 times at this time (interview day included) that I would have to take off to go (because that same week I said I'd need off I was scheduled for 30 hours, which was more than I stated my original availability was 27). This upset her, telling me that she wouldn't have hired me if I was gonna just take off like that, I also took advantage of that time to change my schedule to work only weekends. I went and came back to work after we won the competition. Once I came back, I began noticing that the days I was working by myself was everyday I was there on the weekends CONSISTENTLY. That meant being over plumbing, electrical, and lighting all at once.

After about a month, I came to ask the scheduling if someone else could be hired or work with me on the weekends. To this I was told that they were on a hiring freeze (I later found out this was not true because the the lady herself had a paper tape to her door of open positions and a paper taped at the front door of open positions and even befriended one of the new hires who was over a different department and my department had a part-time opening as well, which was one of the few instances where she has lied to me).

A little later and I'm in class, I've worked there for about 3 months at this point and my starting pay was $14.50, and a kid my same age and in my grade was bragging about how he got hired, and that his starting pay as a cashier was $16. Naturally, this pissed me off, especially since I and the customers I serve & served consider me a good worker, but I don't ask anything to management about it.

Fast forward a week prior to this month. My prom is coming up and I requested the day off 5 weeks in advance and wrote in as to why I wanted it off. It got denied the Tuesday before, and I was pretty pissed. I just called in that day letting them know I wasn't coming in and that I said why prior.

Fast forward to Monday of this week. The new schedule got posted and I saw that I had zero hours for the last week of this month and the first of next month. This infuriated me. I went up there (calm and collected though) and spoke with the scheduling lady as to why this happened, and she told me that she hired someone with wider availability and that it had cut into my hours, and they told me that I needed to open my availability up because once I three weeks without any hours, it would be taken as my resignation.

I told them “okay, I'll change my hours then” and then I give them 2-10 on three days of the week. The lady said “Great, this on top of what you're working, right?” I said “No, I want my weekends back.” She got insulted that I asked telling me verbatim “This is a retail store, and we're open on the weekends. We have to think about what's best for the business. No one gets consecutive weekends off, not even our full-timers. They have families, how is it fair for you to have weekends off?” I said “That entire rule doesn't seem fair.”

This made her furious and she paged the store manager to come in. Super corporate lady, but corporate-with-a-smile-type. Scheduler filled her in about the situation and told me the exact same thing that she did. Best for business, full-timers don't either, etc. I told them since they had someone to take my hours on the weekend, why couldn't I have my weekends back and I give them more hours during the week, especially since my hours for the weekend we're already being taken from me.

She gave me almost a script like response about “the company”. I tuned her out for that period until the schedule lady stated that the new schedule gets posted the day after that, essentially saying I get fired if I don't change it then. I asked about going two weeks without hours and they said they couldn't change the schedule (this is not true because I recently received a notification about the two weeks I didn't have work updated). On those days it updated, I was put on there to work right during graduation, which I told them I cannot do for obvious reasons. For the two weeks I didn't have hours, I was gonna have be my two weeks. AITA to want to quit?

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