
The training sucked and the managers do not care

The current role I'm in, the training was god awful. It was 12 weeks of just nonsense that made very little sense and when you would ask questions for clarity they would be vague and then just move on. 12 weeks of vague training and just “it will make sense in a couple weeks” The managers are even worse. Ive been in this job for 6 months now, each time I have a one to one with my manager, they ask if there is anything they can do. When I say yeah and ask a question about something learned in training, They sigh and just say “just wait a couple months it will make sense sooner or later” and basically brush of my question. I loathe this place it feels like one big circle of half assed training manuals and people who have no business being managers or trainers.

The current role I'm in, the training was god awful. It was 12 weeks of just nonsense that made very little sense and when you would ask questions for clarity they would be vague and then just move on. 12 weeks of vague training and just “it will make sense in a couple weeks”

The managers are even worse. Ive been in this job for 6 months now, each time I have a one to one with my manager, they ask if there is anything they can do. When I say yeah and ask a question about something learned in training, They sigh and just say “just wait a couple months it will make sense sooner or later” and basically brush of my question.

I loathe this place it feels like one big circle of half assed training manuals and people who have no business being managers or trainers.

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