
Am I just too emotional?

I write that title with sarcasm, however I am pretty sure that’s what I would be ‘accused’ of being if I voiced how I really feel about the way I am spoken to and treated at work. I am a confident person who speaks her mind clearly and fairly but today I was once again talked over, over shadowed and not given any opportunity to defend what was simply untrue. Your opinion is one thing but not looking at the facts is another. There are additional layers but surely after yet another day crying in the toilets thinking I am worthless I should call it a day? Or am I simply ‘overreacting’?

I write that title with sarcasm, however I am pretty sure that’s what I would be ‘accused’ of being if I voiced how I really feel about the way I am spoken to and treated at work.

I am a confident person who speaks her mind clearly and fairly but today I was once again talked over, over shadowed and not given any opportunity to defend what was simply untrue. Your opinion is one thing but not looking at the facts is another.

There are additional layers but surely after yet another day crying in the toilets thinking I am worthless I should call it a day? Or am I simply ‘overreacting’?

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