
Am I living the dream?

Hi all, First off I want to say I love reading this sub and do so often. Lately I've been feeling sorry for myself and I fear my perspective is shifting. A little background: I've been self employed for 9 years, live in the usa in a high tax state, and am moderately successful. Some important data: 120k for the last 3 years, 42%ish tax rate for the last 2 years (something like 35% in the years before). 60+ hour work weeks to get said 120k. 50k in savings, solidly middle class. Now the company I created (and the employees within) is my boss. We work side by side the only difference being they get to clock out. If I slow down for even one day the entire thing falls apart. Here's the rub: I can count my friends on one hand, have no family, and no time for a…

Hi all,

First off I want to say I love reading this sub and do so often. Lately I've been feeling sorry for myself and I fear my perspective is shifting.

A little background: I've been self employed for 9 years, live in the usa in a high tax state, and am moderately successful. Some important data: 120k for the last 3 years, 42%ish tax rate for the last 2 years (something like 35% in the years before). 60+ hour work weeks to get said 120k. 50k in savings, solidly middle class.

Now the company I created (and the employees within) is my boss. We work side by side the only difference being they get to clock out. If I slow down for even one day the entire thing falls apart.

Here's the rub: I can count my friends on one hand, have no family, and no time for a life. It's going on 4 years with no more than a day off every few months with no end in sight. Am I just being ungrateful?

Hard work seems to be a feature of human existence. The costs have to come out of someone's ass and it's currently mine. My mindset is shifting to a place where I'd rather it be someone else's.

TLDR: I made something of myself and it's making me more right wing/capitalistic and that scares me.


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