
Am I looking a gift horse in the mouth?

I've worked the same job for the past year and a half. Up until the last month or so, the job has been great; I worked nights, 12 hour shifts, but I only worked 3 nights one week and then 4 the next. It was physically easy; computer work, phone calls, emails. The one downside was the coworker I had to deal with; she was made the shift lead, which was a position of responsibility but not supposed to be a position of authority, and she immediately abused it. She pulled rank to try to make me do things I knew weren't allowed, and would become extremely verbally abusive if I said no. I told my immediate supervisor about this, and he told me that if he confronted her and she quit, I would be left to do all of the work alone. I knew this was true, because my…

I've worked the same job for the past year and a half. Up until the last month or so, the job has been great; I worked nights, 12 hour shifts, but I only worked 3 nights one week and then 4 the next. It was physically easy; computer work, phone calls, emails. The one downside was the coworker I had to deal with; she was made the shift lead, which was a position of responsibility but not supposed to be a position of authority, and she immediately abused it. She pulled rank to try to make me do things I knew weren't allowed, and would become extremely verbally abusive if I said no. I told my immediate supervisor about this, and he told me that if he confronted her and she quit, I would be left to do all of the work alone. I knew this was true, because my coworker on the opposite shift had that happen and they left him working alone for over 6 months before hiring someone.

So I put up with it. For over a year. I dealt with her being verbally abusive and petty and vindictive, I followed along behind her to do the work that she was missing or leaving behind, and I kept my head down and just documented.

A month ago my supervisor got replaced by someone new, and our workload had been increasing, so I reported everything I had to the new supervisor and the higher ups. I had pictures, general dates, everything. They themselves told me that I had been doing 3 times the work as the coworker, and they promised me they would handle it. They also told me that I could work remote from now on so that all communications between me and her would have to be done by teams and by Zoom, so it would all be recorded and they could see how she talked to me.

Now the workload has increased 3 fold. I'm 6 months overdue for my yearly review and my raise. They removed my coworker from the shift lead position, but did so by removing that position in its entirety. They 'talked' to her about the way she had treated me, but did not write her up or punish her in any way. I am still forced to run around behind her and clean up the things she misses, and now that the workload has increased, that is incredibly difficult. They are trying to get me to come into the office, and I flat out told them no.

I'm not sure what to do. This went from an unbelievably good job that was easy and enjoyable and had an almost perfect schedule, to one where I'm stressed out, frustrated, and beyond angry. I'm tired of cleaning up after this coworker. I don't want to work with her at all. I feel like the company could give a shit, and they are going to keep piling stuff on me until I snap.

Am I being ungrateful, or are my complaints legitimate?

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