
Am I not being fair by asking for an early release if I have major plans for the month?

So, after a lot of struggle I finally decided to quit from my current job, it’s a terrible place, more like a jail. I was being mentally tortured here. Had to start therapy too because of how terribly I was treated. I put my papers down last month on the 28th and have been serving my notice period which is supposed to be for 2 months but I asked my manager when I had the talk to him about quitting to release me early, I gave him multiple reasons: I have my sisters wedding at the end of this month, my lease is over, Diwali, for which everybody goes home and I wouldn’t wanna spend it away, the tickets are expensive so it doesn’t make sense for me to fly home and come back again (I stay in a diff city and my parents are in a diff one and…

So, after a lot of struggle I finally decided to quit from my current job, it’s a terrible place, more like a jail. I was being mentally tortured here. Had to start therapy too because of how terribly I was treated. I put my papers down last month on the 28th and have been serving my notice period which is supposed to be for 2 months but I asked my manager when I had the talk to him about quitting to release me early, I gave him multiple reasons: I have my sisters wedding at the end of this month, my lease is over, Diwali, for which everybody goes home and I wouldn’t wanna spend it away, the tickets are expensive so it doesn’t make sense for me to fly home and come back again (I stay in a diff city and my parents are in a diff one and I’ve decided to leave this city and move closer to them). So, according to me it made no sense at all to stay till the end of the month and serve 2 months. And hence, I requested him multiple times to release me early.
And note: my manager has always been unfair to me, he pressures me to work more than everyone else, he never let me take offs and he’d ask me to cut short my leaves and say stuff like “how would the company function without you”, whereas he’d let my coworkers take as many leaves as they’d want, with no cross questioning. He’s even forced me to do overtime on my notice period (which I don’t even owe them), and he talks to me extremely rude tone, like I owe him stuff. And I know for a fact, I’ve been a very diligent employee, I’ve never exceeded timelines, my turn around time is pretty good, and I’m pretty decent at my job, he’s also admitted this when I quit, he said stuff like you’re the only person I can trust blindly and we won’t be able to find anyone who can fill your shoes etc.
After all this all I asked I’m was an early release but he was telling me how I was being unfair to the company and that I was holding him at a gunpoint. And even though I’ve been asking him for an early release since last month he’s making it seem I just asked him and he making me feel extremely guilty for doing so. But I know that this is the least they can do for me and it’s fair to ask this, right?

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