
Am I overreacting or is my boss lousy?

I work for a 3500 person company. I'm a director reporting to a VP. My immediate peers are 2 other people. He reports to a COO. List of things he's done: Often will get me to present slides of my thought leadership that I developed to him separatenly, in a 1on1, and then he will ask me to e-mail it ot him. He will send it to the COO from his email (not givng me any credit) and then present it without me in meetings to others, and update me about the feedback about those slides and what people said. Why could I present it myself in front of them and hear the feedback myself? The COO will email him asking a question or wanting info, he will forward it to me not including the COO. I will respond to my boss. He will take my words, copy and paste…

I work for a 3500 person company. I'm a director reporting to a VP. My immediate peers are 2 other people. He reports to a COO. List of things he's done:

  1. Often will get me to present slides of my thought leadership that I developed to him separatenly, in a 1on1, and then he will ask me to e-mail it ot him. He will send it to the COO from his email (not givng me any credit) and then present it without me in meetings to others, and update me about the feedback about those slides and what people said. Why could I present it myself in front of them and hear the feedback myself?
  2. The COO will email him asking a question or wanting info, he will forward it to me not including the COO. I will respond to my boss. He will take my words, copy and paste a response back to the COO coming frtom his e-mail without including me. The odd time he will include me, or I will find out because someone else forwards it to me. He will use the response as his word for word.
  3. He will ask me to book a meeting, I will think since I book the meeting I am leading the conversation. I prepare to lead the meeting. Within 2 seconds of meeting starts, he kicks off the meeting and starts it himself, so I basically just booked a meeting like I was his assistant.
  4. I organized a full offsite agenda for the executives. Slides, the agenda etc the whole works. He didn't include me in a single agenda item, he presented all of it, and of course gave zero credit to me for formulating it. I prepared all of the slides, meeting ideas, etc. I was most junior person there other than executives but still. Throw me a bone?
  5. He will ask me to book a meeting with all of the VPs. I do this every quarter to do a strategy & operational review. He asked me to do this a week ago and then a week later, he pulls me off it (I've been doing it already for 4 quarters), and asks someone else in my peer group to do it.
  6. I developed a schedule of next steps for a big project for Q4. Sent the schedule over to the operations group, and a few key leaders with him included. He takes that email, copies and pastes the entire table with my sechedule, and sends it over to some VPs and his assistant to set direction, and asking to book meetings based off this schedule. No email chain or reference to me outside of a CC. He copied it exactly word for word.
  7. I'm constantly told I should be doing a task or project that is differnet from my performance goals, and a week later he changes his mind, meanwhile I get to start working on whatever he asked me to do, reach out to people to support, might even pop off some emails to people. Then I cancel whatever I said I was doing, looking like an idiot. I've probably cancelled at least 5-10 meetings with higher ups doing this. THey must think I'm a moron.
  8. Changes my job or priorities constantly but won't change my performance goals to match what he says. He changed my duties so much this year and I wasn't able to hit some of my goals because he changed what he wanted constantly. For example, one of my goals was to improve the leaership capabilities of the leaership team as it relates to finance. How do I do that, If i'm not in any meetings with leadership where I can actually share financial information? I was invited to maybe 2 or 3 meetings the entire year, and this goal is worth 35%. When I requested them to be recasted based off what I have actually done (which is deliverables) – he said no.
  9. Overall just constantly stifles any sort of communication between me and uppers. Doesn't want me communicating with higher ups much even though part of my role is to do that (in my previous roles I've been an extension of the executive team). Whatever I say, no matter what it is, is poked and prodded at and he tells me I should have said this or that.
  10. He asks me what to do constantly, what's the direction, what are next steps, and then he repeats it to others on the leadership team, without including me, so it looks like it came completely from him.

There's more but I'll start here. Overreacting?

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