I work as a behavior health assistant I get moved to difficult caseload get them fix then moves again. The longest I've had a steady case load was 17 months. Recently I applied for 2 jobs. A supervisor position and state investor. I was approached to apply for these job by the heads of their department.
Both are a pay raise and gets out of that department. I got the investigator job until today. Here is the time line.
Also when I got the investigator job the supervisor job application was pulled out since I accepted the other.
Accepted job june 28th. Start date 16th.
Supervisor job was filled and announced the 12th (friday)
On the 15(monday) tells me I'm not released from behavior department. Until the 1st. 18th job rescinded due from a reference check.
Asked around the company. Reference checks are done before the job is offered.
So back to the question. Did my boss wait til they filled the other job so I would have to stay?