
Am I right for being upset my boss or am I being sensitive?

I made a really bad mistake for my line of work in early January. I was also pretty new to the company, I only had worked there for 4 months. My boss pulled me into a meeting and was extremely harsh about the error and about other things I didn’t even know she had an issue with. She told me I would get some sort of disciplinary action. I asked her what kind. She said bc the error was so bad she does not know and will need to consult her manager. She also told me she doesn’t think I’m a good fit for the role. Weeks went by and I never heard what type of disciplinary action I would get. I thought I might get a final warning, PIP, or fired. Finally in late March she stated they decided I would get just “coaching” (the lightest disciplinary action) bc…

I made a really bad mistake for my line of work in early January. I was also pretty new to the company, I only had worked there for 4 months. My boss pulled me into a meeting and was extremely harsh about the error and about other things I didn’t even know she had an issue with. She told me I would get some sort of disciplinary action. I asked her what kind. She said bc the error was so bad she does not know and will need to consult her manager. She also told me she doesn’t think I’m a good fit for the role.

Weeks went by and I never heard what type of disciplinary action I would get. I thought I might get a final warning, PIP, or fired.

Finally in late March she stated they decided I would get just “coaching” (the lightest disciplinary action) bc it was my first mistake. She said she forgot tell me their decision.

I was happy I wasn’t getting fired but I was pretty pissed that she had me feeling like I was gonna get fired for 3 months. I also feel like she intentionally did not tell me their decision and did not just forget. I made sure I changed everything and she is very pleased with me now. But I’m still mad how she handle the situation.

Am I being sensitive or was that shitty what my manager did?

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