
Am I stupid for this

Lately I’ve been hating doing maintenance, money is good and all it’s just everything that comes with it is dragging me down both physically and mentally. Starting to think I’m just not cut to be a mechanic which isn’t a bad thing but onto the post. Would I be stupid for leaving a job at $25 an hour for something a lot less technical and demanding at $15~ an hour. I would still be able to afford my bills, albeit I would have to have a tight budget, I just don’t see how much longer I can keep it up, I’m staying until Christmas for my vacation but even that seems like years away.

Lately I’ve been hating doing maintenance, money is good and all it’s just everything that comes with it is dragging me down both physically and mentally. Starting to think I’m just not cut to be a mechanic which isn’t a bad thing but onto the post. Would I be stupid for leaving a job at $25 an hour for something a lot less technical and demanding at $15~ an hour. I would still be able to afford my bills, albeit I would have to have a tight budget, I just don’t see how much longer I can keep it up, I’m staying until Christmas for my vacation but even that seems like years away.

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