
Am I The Cause Of This Feeling?

I’ve had a rough relationship with working since I started. I left my first job due to a panic attack and since mental health issues and other health issues have followed me since I was in my teens, every job (except one) that I’ve had I’ve ended up leaving due to mental health. Whether it just be pure depression and having the worst luck or anxiety that had kept me from leaving my home. I have a new job now and in order to have a better work relationship I’ve cut down drinking a LOT, but I have so much trouble sleeping that for example, I got about 4 hours of sleep last night to get me through an 8 hour shift. On my off days all I want to do is sleep but I still have school to take care of. I feel like I have no time to…

I’ve had a rough relationship with working since I started. I left my first job due to a panic attack and since mental health issues and other health issues have followed me since I was in my teens, every job (except one) that I’ve had I’ve ended up leaving due to mental health. Whether it just be pure depression and having the worst luck or anxiety that had kept me from leaving my home.

I have a new job now and in order to have a better work relationship I’ve cut down drinking a LOT, but I have so much trouble sleeping that for example, I got about 4 hours of sleep last night to get me through an 8 hour shift. On my off days all I want to do is sleep but I still have school to take care of.

I feel like I have no time to myself other than at night. So going to bed at 10pm when I got off at 5pm just makes me feel awful. I have no free time and I’m not even a full time employee.

What am I doing wrong? What can I do to make it feel less like I’m working, sleeping, eating, and repeating? I have to stay employed this time to get myself out of financial and medical debt, but I’m so tired.

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