
Am I wrong for ghosting my employer?

Hi. I wanted a summer job as a student and applied to places right when June began. I applied to places like retail stores or cafes. Out of all 6 places, one called me back. I went for an interview and we discussed what the hours would be like. She told me she would only make me work 4 hour shifts two times a week. (Which is good to me!) A week later she offered me the job as a barista which I happily accepted. She has me join the group chat with all the other employees. Everyone's super kind and what not, but one girl suddenly quits and says it's because of how crazy the boss is. At this point I'm kinda worried but I'm telling myself maybe it's just her. So I end up asking the other employees what they think about work, is it hard/easy, etc. Everyone…

Hi. I wanted a summer job as a student and applied to places right when June began. I applied to places like retail stores or cafes. Out of all 6 places, one called me back. I went for an interview and we discussed what the hours would be like. She told me she would only make me work 4 hour shifts two times a week. (Which is good to me!) A week later she offered me the job as a barista which I happily accepted.

She has me join the group chat with all the other employees. Everyone's super kind and what not, but one girl suddenly quits and says it's because of how crazy the boss is. At this point I'm kinda worried but I'm telling myself maybe it's just her. So I end up asking the other employees what they think about work, is it hard/easy, etc. Everyone in the group chat complained about how mean and crazy the boss/owner is. How she yells at new workers, doesn't give them breaks, etc.

I end up getting a call from the owner asking me about scheduling. She then asks me to work an 12 hour shift this week. I told her I'd let her know and she assured me it would be okay. In my state, it's illegal for someone my age to work that many hours even if there's no school in session. I end up telling her that and she doesn't seem to care and says it's okay. She then offers me a 10 hour shift which is still illegal.

I end up sending her an email saying That this won't workout and I can no longer work for her and blocked her everywhere. My parents are extremely mad and think I made the wrong decision and told me it's life, every employer will be this way.
Am I wrong for this?

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